
This page contains demos mostly generated by the book codes.

Link Description Generated by
idft1D Inverse Dicrete Fourier Transform step-by-step dft1d_demo, chapter 3
ransaciters Ransac iterations in the problem of line fitting ransac_demo, chapter 10
epipgeom Animated 3D sketch of epipolar geometry. u2Fdlt_demo, chapter 11
complete_zoom_out_vs_motion Motion away from the scene vs. zoom-out, note that only the motion changes the perspective cameragen and showcams, chapter 11
impsampl Importance sampling, 10 values are resampled to 100-values distribution according to their weights (importance). importance_sampling_demo, chapter 16
pfilter1D Particle filtering, 1D signal particle_filtering_demo, chapter 16

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Last modified at 15:56, 28 April 2014 CEST.